Friday, June 1, 2007

Jadon learns to swim

Jadon has always had no fear of water. Last year he had shown that he was going to be a fish. The other children always went thru a phase around 2 when they were just not afraid but when the next summer came they grew up a little and understood danger more. Therefore, they showed more respect for the water. Not Jadon! He has no fear so we knew we must teach him to swim. Today I got in the pool with him and was going to show him what would happen without his floaties. Well, he showed me. He ducked his head, swam across the pool, came up for air and, kept on swimming. So we are more afraid now then we were before. Not only does he have no fear but he is confident that he can conquer any water. He doesn't swim to me, he swims away from me. Please pray that Jadon stays safe this summer and I remember to take the ladder out of the pool.

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