Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Thank you for swimming with us even when it is cold. Thank you for teaching us the Bible and praying for us when we are sick. Thank you for liking the music we like and wanting it loud like we do. Thank you for loving Mama. Thank you for cleaning the kitchen for me when it is my turn. Thank you for fixing the pool and the bikes and for trying to fix the 4 wheeler. Happy Fathers Day. I love you

Thank you for building us a new bedroom. Thank you for working hard and so we can go out to eat. Thank you for having pillow fights with us. Thank you for my piano so that I can play for you and Jesus. Thank you for letting us ride the lawn mower. Thank you for waking up the same everyday. Happy Fathers Day. I love you.

Thank you for kissing us goodnight. Thank you for making money so we can go to the doctor. Thank you for having lots of brothers and sisters for me to play with. Thank you for making sure the doors are locked every night. Thank you for wrestling with us rough and when you tickle me and I can't breath and say "UNCLE" you stop. I love you,

Thank you for fixing the drinks for us at supper time. Thank you for feeding Jack so he doesn't jump on me and scratch me all over and get me dirty. Thank you for letting me sit in your lap and drive the van. Thank you for taking us to see Prince Caspian. Happy Fathers Day

Thank you for letting me practice shaving with you. Thank you for carrying me to the van instead of making me walk so Jack don't jump on me. Thank you for teaching me how to play the 4 wheeler game. Thank you for doing the "bumpy thing" every time I ask. I love you.

Thank you for checking on me in the middle of the night to make sure I am all covered up. Thank you for bathing me up and getting me dressed every Sunday morning. Thank you for being so strong that you can throw me super high and catch me when I come down. I love you
John Mark

Thank you for letting me sleep in the middle every night since I was born so that I can snuggle with mama. Thank you for spending special time with me, holding me and talking in your funny baby voice that makes me laugh. Happy Fathers Day.

Thank you for being a faithful daddy. Thank you for sacrificing your dreams and replacing them with us. Thank you for the tears that fell from your face and landed on mine when Elyona was placed in your arms for the first time. Thank you for looking out always for me and deciding Judson should be the last. You make our family strong. Happy Fathers Day. I love you.


Lisa said...

That is so sweet!! I love your family. You are such a good example to us.


Jessica said...

So sweet!
Happy Fathers Day Eric!

Aimee said...

Thanks, I needed a good cry.

Thanking God today for godly fathers.

Tamara said...

I just love reading your blog! I laugh and cry at the same time. You and your family are very special and such an example of Godly parents to everyone around you.
