Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Friend Jyoti


My precious friend from church, Jyoti Krammer, was able to go back home to India this past month. She had not seen her family in 5 years. We were all so happy for her. There were many things in her trip that God worked out as only he could that made the trip so special for her. One of those things was that she was able to share the gospel with about 150 Hindu school children. She was invited to come back to her former grade school and speak about America and Christianity. She was thrilled, for this is what she knew God had her there for. The gospel made such an impression at the first speaking, she was invited to come back. 5 of the girls wanted to hear more about Jesus and decided to go to Jyoti's house for more. Jyoti was also able to feed all these 150 people when she went to speak. She is such a servant. She is an example to me in so many ways but her willingness and love for serving is the greatest example to me and my children. She has fed me so many unexpected meals. Back to the story...While in India she had a much needed surgery. While recovering she wasn't able to go shop for the things that she wanted to buy for the people back home in the USA so her brother was able to bring the store to her. He brought a whole bunch of things for her to choose from. She bought these dresses for all the little girls in the church. My girls were so excited. They counted down the days until they could were them to church. We are so thankful to have a friend like Jyoti, who can not only share in the fellowship of Christ with us but can bring to us a part of her side of the world and make India and her people something familiar to us. Thank you Jyoti!! I am so blessed to have a friend like you.
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Unknown said...

I have an Indian friend as well here in Overland Park. She is not a Christian yet, but the other day I gave her a Bible and we plan on reading some together and talking. I'd be interested to know how your friend came to know the Lord. This is my first experience sharing with a Hindu. By the way, I LOVE Indian food!!

Lisa said...

Alicia, I enjoyed our time together this week. We now have two and blogging!
