Friday, June 27, 2008

Missing My Daddy

 My daddy's name was Jack Pettus. If he were still alive we would be celebrating his 76th birthday soon. Daddy was a hard working man who knew no different. He was raisied as he youngest of 10 children in a share cropping family This is a picture of them. He is the one with the blue sweater vest. He didn't have much education because he had to quit school in the 9th grade to work on the farm. Looking back at the things he accomplished in his life I realize how smart he was. He seemed to be able to figure anything out. I was 19 when daddy died and ,as you can imagine, I had nothing in common with a 61 year old man. We were not very close and I resented him being so old and sick all the time. I thought at that time life with him was boring. What a fool I was! My daddy read and studied the Bible with commentaries and study helps. He tried diligently to teach us the word with tears dripping off his face. Spiritual things moved my daddy to tears daily. Where are those men today? I had no idea what a treasure I had in my daddy. He sang base in a quartet and sang on stage once with the Oak Ridge Boys. He would take Adam (the only grandchild he really knew) outside for long walks in the woods and explore everything they could in one day. He did most of the cooking for our family. He would come home from working at the pipe shop, wash up, clean up the house, then cook supper for his family. I was so unthankful for all he did for us, it was just expected. My daddy loved my mama. She was his jewel. He was never afraid to grab her up and give her a big ole kiss in front of us. Before I cared what discipleship was, he was practicing it. This is just a bunch of thoughts put together quickly, I hope you can follow me. We wonder what daddy would have thought of his 2 girls having him 12 grandchildren. I miss him much more now than I ever have. I met Lisa S. daddy the other day and I couldn't help but think of mine and miss him. Her daddy still makes sure her tires are working right, e-mails her safty hints, and has turned his yard into a childrens wonderland that sends a big message...I LOVE MY FAMILY. I miss my daddy. He would be just like that. Only 2 of daddy's sisters are still living. The others have gone on to be with the Lord. Aunt Demeris and Aunt Elvie with my cousin June came to visit me the other day and it was so nice to sit and talk with them. I took pictures but failed to have my memory card in my camera. I was so disappointed. These are just a few thoughts about him that I've been having lately. If your daddy is still alive, please treasure the time you have with him and ignore the things that you see as old fashioned or boring. From what I have learned old fashioned in mostly wisdom speaking. But Daddy is at home singing and praising Jesus, knowing Him as He wants to be known!! HALLELUAH
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Lisa said...

How sweet Alicia. I'm sure your Daddy woud be so proud of you, and who wouldn't love all those kids. I'm sure my Moma and Daddy will adopt y'all...what are a few more in our bunch!



Karen said...

Alicia, this was such a beautiful reflection. Of course I am crying. Next Thursday my daddy will have been gone a year. I miss him too but I got to have him 54 years. 19 years was certainly a short time but he obviously left a wonderful legacy. You have such a wonderful family. I am so sorry your daddy did not get to know them. My mother died when I was 21 just 4 months before Lisa was born but the first time I got to hold Lisa I saw my mother look at me through her eyes. I always like to think it was just a little bleesing from God. Our parents live on through all of us.

I am so thankful that Ricky and I have gotten to know you and Eric and your children. I am looking forward to all of you coming back to see us soon. Oh, and by the way

Love ya'll

John said...

Oh what a good reminder for me as I think about Father's Day and remember not just our daddy here (John) but our dads- who are now Papaw and are right to remind me not to take them for granted, and to redeem every minute that we are with them. Make memories, take pictures, ask questions, and watch and learn from them.....,

The Davis Family said...

Thank you for all the sweet comments.

John said...

I thought of you when I read this family's blog....check it out when you get the chance. It is a pastor here in Raleigh who just adopted from Ethiopia:
