Saturday, July 5, 2008




Co-sleeping is for me. I know that many of you put your little ones in the crib right away and I will not fault you for that. But since this is my blog and I can have my own opinions I will say that you all are missing out. Every morning I get a great big high that carries me thru the day. This is how my night and morning usually go...I lay down with my fat bundle and we nurse to sleep. He stays tucked right up under me all night. When he wants to nurse there is no crying or getting up. He starts wiggling around a bit and I wake up just enough to get him latched on and back to sleep we fall. People ask if he sleeps through the night (nursing mothers know that this isn't a good thing for milk supply) and I say "yes, kind of" because we never really wake up. He never wakes up daddy and we have a peaceful night sleep. When we are sleeping it is like he is still inside of me. He is so close I can feel him breath. I know when he is too cold or too hot and can quickly make adjustments to make him comfortable. I am TOTALLY aware he is there and could never roll on him just like you would not roll over on your pregnant tummy while you sleep. I believe it is instinct. I know this may sound sick to some of your but others will understand exactly the way I feel. Sometimes I look at Judson and my others and I want to just eat them or squeeze them into me so hard that they become part of me, well sleeping with my babies is the closest thing I can get to fulfilling that kind of desire. It is the sweetest experience of my life. The best part of sleeping with Judson is the early morning when we wake up. He is tucked right up under me and has usually just got his tummy full. I start humming his hymn (I'd Rather have Jesus)in his ear and before he can open his eyes he has a smile stretched across his face. He starts stretching and smiling all at once getting ready for a new day and I am right there within a few inches to enjoy the show. Daddy loves it as well and would not have it any other way. I usually go to sleep with him watching over us like he is looking at the sweetest picture ever. He loves how much our babies love their mama. He and I both know that this is a season in our lives that will pass too quickly and we need to breath in every moment like it is our last. So every morning around 6:30 think of me while I am inhaling deep the sweetness of baby Judson.

By the way, many of you ask about Judson and his eye issue. Still nothing new. We will have a check up at 6 months and another at a year. That is when we will start to be fitted for safety glasses (to protect the good eye) and the painted prosthetic "shell" for the bad eye. Thank you for asking and being concerned. I have concluded that I like questions a lot more than stares. I hate when people see him for the first time and don't say anything. They just oooh and ahh and walk away. I know they are wondering what is wrong with his eye. ASK ME!!! It is so awkward. Do I wait until they ask or should I automatically throw out the info. Anyway, hope you enjoy the post and go love on your babies.
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jengallahar said...
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jengallahar said...

I think your post is great. I remember feeling like my hands were going to fall off when I was without my babies. It's similar to what mothers feel about a child they have lost "aching arms syndrome". We just to touch what is a part of us. My 2nd baby slept with us until she was 4, but Sophie has not. She sleeps in her crib but in our room so I can have her near. She is a wiggle worm so if she slept with us she would be over me and in the floor every 10 minutes. I also share the dreaded HMA swing shifts with you so those nights I usually bring the older 2 back to bed with me. However, Sophie is still nursing at 13 months and the older she gets the more we both enjoy it. So, great for you and your post!! Sorry about the other comment being deleted, it said the same thing.

Anonymous said...

miss yall!!

John said...

Well, I would be one of those who don't sleep with the baby. I have tried it and I feel like I just doze in and out all night. I just can't rest with the little one in my bed, neither does, we use a pack and play in our room for the first months. When I nurse at night I get up and go to the recliner and watch the early morning news, muted, of course....but my babies sleep through the night pretty early....this season goes by soooo fast. I love being awake, nursing in the quiet dark....

John said...

Oh, that comment was not from John, but from Stacey.....I need to change my setting so MY name shows up!!!!
