Sunday, July 13, 2008

I am so thankful


Today at church we had an opportunity to share things that we are thankful for. My list, in a matter of seconds, was enormous. I decided then and there that I may not be able to speak them all at that moment but I could blog about them.

I am thankful for...
1.Our Great God. To steal the thoughts of John Piper, God has made himself the blazing center of the universe. The God that I have the privilege to serve and worship and intimately know is also supreme over galaxies floating in endless space. From the top of Mt. Everest to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. From the peaceful blue whale to the microscopic killer viruses. He is supreme! Over the first cell division of a tiny embryo to the next breath of the 102 year old lady in the nursing home. He is supreme over all weather, from hurricanes, monsoons, tornadoes, earth quakes, floods, snow, sleet, and rain. He is supreme over cancer, malaria, the flu, AIDS, and the wonderful antibiotics and drugs. He is supreme over all countries, armies, suicide bombings, nuclear threats, politics, elections, media, news, sports, entertainment, leisure, education, science, research, business, manufacturing, transportation, all information, and the Internet. As Abraham Kieper(sp?) famously said "There is not one square inch on planet earth that the risen Christ does not say... MINE!!!". I am so thankful that this same SUPREME GOD wants to be my friend and abide with me and calls me his son and that he alone made a way for this relationship to happen.
2. Grace Fellowship. My church is priceless to me. The leadership, teaching, older men and women, younger men and women, and children are irreplaceable. I am thankful for Carlton who preaches the truth with boldness and conviction and with wisdom far beyond his years. For Aaron who is the most humble man I have ever known. For Carlton Brown who's administrative skills and responsibility never keep him from playing with our children. For Ms. Pinkston who is an irreplaceable jewel. For Dave and his immeasurable sacrifice that he and his family have made to serve our church. For the missionaries spread abroad that our church sends out and those that have returned with hearts overflowing at what God is doing around the world. For the gospel of Jesus Christ and the call for sinners to repent being proclaimed at our church(despite popular belief) so clearly yet so intense that even the mature believer must examine himself.
3. God's healing hand. Hearing Aaron give his testimony of praise and thanksgiving was an emotional ride. Hearing his raspy, weak voice is a bitter reminder of what pain and suffering he has been through but on the flip side it is a sweet reminder that God is merciful. Aaron can speak!!!
4. My children. They all woke up healthy this morning.
5. Eric. He is the love of my life.
6. My mama who entertains me when Eric is on 2nd, buys me dinner and serves us all ice cream.
7. My dear friends who listens to my roller coaster rides of ideas, dreams and plans. Who pulls me through when I am down and hangs on tight when I am not.
8. Melanie, who for ANY reason is a phone call away.
9. Honda. I never want to forget where our paycheck comes from.
10. Blogging
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Lisa said...

amen and amen.

Melanie Harmon said...

You never fail to amaze me Cecia!!!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for...

Alicia..who has 7 children, a husband, is a daughter, a sister, and a friend to many. Who seeks to put Christ above ANY of that and desires more than anything to give her life away! Thank you Alicia! Can't wait to move closer!

jennifer said...

Love your post. We all have SO much to be thankful for. Even in our roughest times...we serve a sovreign God.
Jennifer H. (a.k.a blog stalker)

jengallahar said...

Don't mean to complain about my husband's job. Although it can be complicated at times, I am also thankful for HMA. I am thankful that he has a job in this time of economic difficulty our country is experiencing. I am blessed with so much and I try to remember daily to be thankful.