Thursday, August 14, 2008

Starting School and Conformers


Our summer is over and school is up and running. We have ended up our second week and have settled into a good routine. Here is the run down of my little world this school year.

Mon-Wed 7am wake Annalee, Mary-Grace and Jadon up for breakfast, getting dressed, chores and to begin school. We usually are finishing up around 11am. While we are in school Elyona and Bailey do chores, laundry, homework and play with the little ones. After lunch I have school with Elyona and Bailey which has been taking about 3 hours. While we are doing school the little girls are doing chores, playing with the boys and homework. I meet Melanie so we can walk after I finish up with the big ones. When I get home from walking, the children watch PBS while I prepare supper. On Tuesday and Thursdays supper is on the road. Tuesday afternoon we have piano and art in White Plains and Thursdays is soccer in Alexandria. Both of which has us getting home around 8pm.
Thurs. We will soon be starting our co-op so we will not do school at home but be with all of our friends learning with them. When we get home we do a little science and history before we have to leave for soccer.
Fri. we will save this day for Science and History projects and crafts. We are learning all about Astronomy and Ancient Civilizations this year.
Sat. this fall from 9am till 12n we will have soccer games.
Sun. is truly our day of rest!

Separating the big ones from the littles to teach has worked wonders this year. Also, giving out "homework" for them to work on in their own time has helped tons as well. So far so good.

My house, on the other hand, is slowly becoming hazardous. I have been able to maintain, with the help of the children, laundry, dishes and general picking up but my floors and toilets and such...well, if you are coming to my house and would be offended, bring a scrub brush and a mop.


Judson has started his conformer series. A conformer is a clear shell that fits over the entire eyeball and is used to stimulate the tissue surrounding that small eye to grow and "conform" to the shell. We go to B'ham every 4-6 weeks to get a larger conformer until the tissue is ready for a painted shell that is the size of his other eye. I will post so that you can keep up with his progress.
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Lisa said...

We had fun doing Science with y'all today. Sorry I was so tired.


John said...

Well, I must say that Judson doesn't look at all like your other babies to me! Maybe he looks like your dad, or another grandparent....but I don't see the other siblings when I look at his cute face...

I like the idea of breaking the kids up for school....Right now I juggle the 3 in school and the 3 not-in-school and survive from nap to nap. What will I do with another one? : )

We do a few chores after breakfast, then start school and work until lunch. Long play break, then nap time for the littles and independent work for the bigs....nap for me too!


jengallahar said...
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jengallahar said...

Your whole family is so beautiful! I love your picture in the pool.